Reflection on Case Study Project 1


Upon the completion of this project, I found that I gained a lot of new information and input based on our case study on learning styles. Based on the topic itself, my team narrowed it down to more specific scope which is learning style in Mathematics. Here, I receive a lot of knowledge regarding the way people study, what components are being used if they are visual learners,  what method is practiced by auditory learners in studying and many more. These somehow create an awareness to me that mankind were created in many different and variety version. This tremendous styles has been proven scientifically when researchers make research on this particular field.


Next, moving on to the project content I can see that there is a wide usage of statistical terminologies in identifying numerical data like what we did currently. For example, the graph representation in our project gave us a clear view on the information that were collected to show to correlation. Plus, the descriptive statistics such as calculating the mean, mode, median, variance and standard deviation is very important to extract the key ingredients of the sample data. We can see the enormous application in retrieving the data for Covid- 19 cases that was declared as a pandemic. Data analyst used such tools and description to spread the information to people.


In conclusion, statistic is a powerful tools to ensure the sustainability of a data to be collected and presented in a systematic way.