Reflection doing Group Project 1

What I learnt in this group project is that I believe that cooperation between friend members are very important to produce high quality project. In first week of the group project, we all felt very lost and clueless of what the project was about. And then we straightly make a meeting inside the dorm to make a better understanding about the project. The idea of topic which is "Transportation in UTM"  was made by Azriana which is one of our group members and we all agreed with the topic. Since that, we know that we could bond to each other very tightly because we are able to complete the problems very quickly. After that, we had another problem which was lack of respondents. We talked about this together and came out with a solution which is sharing the link of survey in different groups to ensure that everybody answers the survey. The time taken for 50 respondent to answer the survey was very short. This is because we persuaded them nicely so the efficiency of the survey was effective. I learnt that those moment taught us that the respondents also need to cooperate and need to approach very appropriate to avoid misunderstanding or asking many questions. After we completed out survey, my group members were catching up, dividing the tasks, and sharing our problems together. At this moment, I knew that complex problems make a good decision. We all can solve very complex problems which is generating R code in R studio by watching various tutorial videos in YouTube and using Syllabus' slides. Consequently, we are able to execute the program in R studio smoothly. After that, we created a Google Docs and we share our report over there. At this moment, I learn that we can fix or modify other mistakes by using the correct method in the Docs. Take for an example, if there's any misspelling or wrong analysis, one of us can correct it. And lastly, the video was run really smoothly due to complete of dividing tasks  and our teamwork was amazing.