Probability & Statistical Data Analysis Project 1 (Project Profile)

Title of Project: Health Awareness among Malaysians.


In 2015, studies have shown that nearly 7.5 million people around the world are obese. Looking at just Malaysia alone, studies have also shown that there were approximately 5.3 million people who are overweight in 2015. These eye-opening statistics prompted us to question whether Malaysians are aware about the importance of keeping themselves healthy. Hence, this project was carried out in order to investigate the health awareness of Malaysians.

Firstly, this study is carried out by collecting some personal data from Malaysians regarding their physique, exercising habits, and also exploring their opinions regarding some general healthy habits. This is done by creating survey forms using "Google Forms" and then spreading the forms to friends and relatives using communication platforms such as Whatsapp.

When the sufficient number of respondents have filled in the survey forms, the data collected are then analysed thoroughly in order to show a pattern between different physiques, exercise routines, and health conditions. All of this is done in order to determine whether Malaysians are aware about the importance of staying healthy. Hence, this project was carried out in order to investigate the health awareness of Malaysians.

Firstly, this study is carried out by collecting some personal data from Malaysians regarding their physique, exercising habits, and also exploring their opinions regarding some general healthy habits. This is done by creating survey forms using "Google Forms" and then spreading the forms to friends and relatives using communication platforms such as Whatsapp.

When the sufficient number of respondents have filled in the survey forms, the data collected are then analysed thoroughly in order to show a pattern between different physiques, exercise routines, and health conditions. All of this is done in order to determine whether Malaysians are aware about the importance of staying healthy.

After some thorough analysis, it is found that most of our respondents were students or young adults aged around 20 to 39 years old. This is most likely due to the fact that the survey forms were widely spread into university related Whatsapp groups and hence the respondents were mostly students in their early twenties. As a result, the outcomes and conclusions from our study would more accurately define the health awareness among Malaysian young adults rather than all Malaysians.

On that note, we have found that most of our respondents weighed around 40 to 70kg, and were around 155 to 180cm tall. This showed that their BMI’s were roughly in the range of 16.6 to 21.6. Comparing their BMI’s to the healthy BMI range according to WHO; which is 18.5 to 24.9, we could clearly see that most Malaysian young adults were either slightly underweight or healthy, with a few cases of overweight or obese. Besides, we also asked the respondents about their weekly exercise durations and more than half of the respondents exercised more than 2 hours a week, which is considered a healthy practice as the minimum duration of exercise in order to stay healthy was not less than 2 hours per week. This shows us that Malaysian young adults are considerably healthy.

Next, we asked the respondents whether or not they agree with some statements about general healthcare. Statements such as “exercising helps to reduce stress.”, “Having meals on time is important for health.”, and “Having a balanced diet is important for our health.” Were shown to the respondents and a majority of them either agreed or strongly agreed, with very few who had no comment on the statements and who disagreed.

In short, it can be concluded that Malaysian young adults are aware about their health. This can be seen in not only their physiques, which are mostly healthy, but also in their mentality where they agreed with all of the general healthy habits. Hence, it is hoped that Malaysians will keep getting healthy and healthier by being aware of their own health and living a healthy lifestyle.