Reflection of Group Project 1

I appreciate I can do this group project because through doing this project not only improve our knowledge also improve our team working skill and data analysis skill. By using the R language, we can do data analysis more effectively. Look through the process of doing this project, from setting title until the whole report is done, which are needed the cooperation of all team members. From this project, to reach our objective, we cooperate. To get more accurate data, we need to get more respondents from the survey, but this is the weakness of our project which is due to the time limit we only can get 80 respondents in our survey. Hence, this is a good opportunity to let us know that a good data analysis needs huge data to support our project conclusion. I am the team leader for this group project. Hence, I need to separate the project’s job well to produce the best thing in our group. After doing this project, our aspects of ability can be greatly improved for some fields. From a team view, I have improved the team working skills, team leadership skills, time management skill and so on. From a personal view, I have improved mainly R coding skill which I have learned myself by searching online and the PDF file provides by the lecturer. In conclusion, I hope that those skills can be used in the future for my work, my family, my country even though the world.