Technology Information System /
Summary after 1 semester

I had learned this subject for one semester and it also had teach me lots of things that compulsory for Data Science students to know. This subject which is Technology information System had introduced me basic things in computer, software, operating system and so on. This subject also trained me to be more efficient in making decision by doing the design thinking. In my opinion, design thinking is a must for every people in this world to know about it. It is because design thinking is a process of thinking to find solutions to solve problems. By that, my skills in creating ideas and my critical thinking in solve problems had been improvise. By improvising my critical thinking, I'm sure that I am more prepared than before to fit in the industry soon. As you know my course was a 2u2i courses which our final year marks and qualification to graduate totally depending on the industry that we did the internship. This thing not scaring me instead I am excited to face the challenges because with the all the knowledge I gained in Technology Information System course, I am sure all the basic things about the computer are already in my mind. 

Other than that, not only the knowledge, I also gained the soft skills which are communication skill and leadership. Both are important in the industry because as I know that the employers now not only looking for fresh graduates that have best academic results but the skills that they have played role to make them qualified to work with them