English (UHLB1112) is a very helpful subject for me. In my opinion, this subject help me in all the languages and skills that I need to improve in my English. The syllabus in this subject is including grammar, vocabulary, and skill work in every exercise. Also this subject can help me improve my speaking skills which there was some few assignment need to include me talking in English. As example we do our English Docudrama Project. In this project we need to make a video talking about our experience while studying in UTM. We also need to make presentation about process making the video. By this group project, we learn that we can improve our speaking since we need to talk in the video and while doing the presentation.

             In conclusion, this subject really help me in my English knowledge and improve my confident while speaking in English. Overall during all the classes I feel very fun and relax since it was not a heavy subject. Our English teacher, Madam Linda also very nice and lovely which make us feel comfortable during the classes.