PT1's reflection

For Programming Technique 1, the language that was used is C++. Before starting this semester, I’m quite worried if I can’t master this language since before this,during matriculation, I only learn Java language. My lecturer from matriculation had told me that if I master in Java language, I can managed to learn all the other languages easily. But, after I learn C++ language, I find it quite hard to learn. Maybe this was a new thing for me to learn and I’m not getting used to this language yet. But one thing that confirmed is, if I work hard learning this subject, I believe that I can master this language. All that I need to do is pay more attention to the parts that I’m weak and correcting that parts until I fully understand.

This subject exposed student to the real life problem, so indirectly, this will prepare myself to face the upcoming future or during my work one day. One of my lecturer at UTM said that, nowadays, a programmer is really needed as the technologies keep improving so the industry need more programmers to create something new that will be useful.