Digital Logic's reflection

        As a Computer Science student, I can see that it is important to know how to use a software and hardware of a computer or machine as for the future, I will more involve with the usage of the machine. So digital logic is one of the important subject that will help myself to have a better understanding of the process. This subject allow me to put the theories that I learn into practices. This indirectly helps me to prepare myselves for the future. Second, what I get from this subject is the importance of teamwork. As we all know, this subject required me to do many project and mostly our project are to implement the circuit. This task will be perform by group. So, having a good teamwork with each other can help to make the works easier. During the process of implementing the circuit, we divided the task with our member fairly so that both of us can do that process together and gather as many as can the experiences using the tools. Also, because both of us doing our own task, the circuit can be done quickly.