Reflection Malaysia Language

Malaysia language is fun class and also have a fun lecture, Mrs. Halimah BT Ma'alip. She just know how to make the class become fun activity. Even though i just came to his class once for the first time. But i know she a fun lecture.

Malaysia Language is the class that teaching how to speak Malaysia language. I never entered this session class, because as an Indonesian our language is similar as Malaysian language so the lecture forbidden us to join his class. But in exchange we must do all the assignment and submit it on the right time that she provide. Actually all of his assignment is not hard because I’m as Indonesian don’t feel any hard to do his assignment. But the thing is all of his assignment is very very many. it takes time to do it even though is not hard to do. But i have accomplish all of the assignment that so many



Lecturer-Halimah BT Ma'alip