TAN LI MIN's Reflection / TAN LI MIN's Reflection /
Technology and Information System Reflection

    Technology and Information System is the course that introduce us the uses of information systems and technology in daily life as well as introduce the hardware, software, network communications, internet, multimedia, graphics and system applications to us. In this course, we were given a chance to learn about the skill in handling PC installation in the lab. I had learn about the components of PC and I am able to set up the PC by myself.

    In this course, we also attend to a lot of  exhibition to learn new things that I never had the chance to take a close look before. We had attend to an exhibition at MAGICX and i had explored to a lot of modern technologies.header.jpg.1

     We had learnt about the 3D printer that the printer is a machine that can print or manufacture a three-dimensional object from digital file by depositing materials layer by layer in accordance to the object’s 3D digital model. We also learnt about the manipulation of 3D printer and the types of 3D printer filament, all of them made from different material to satisfy the requirement of user, such as PLA, ABS, TPU and Nylon. 

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     I also try the Virtual Reality of Oculus Quest. Oculus Quest is a gaming system built which allows user to glimpse the real world in monoscophic black and white through the integral cameras. This virtual reality (VR) gaming is basically a headset that is portable and you just need a cable or USB to plug it into your personal computer or anywhere you desired. I had learn how to use the VR headset and I am so impressed that the VR had no distinct lag when I move around with the virtual arms.VR.jpg

     As reflection, Technology and Information System open our eyes and let us explore to the new technologies once we have visiting a new exhibition. I hope that I can learn a lot while we enjoying ourselves in the course. I would like to use the knowledge that I learnt from those exhibitions to be more competitive than others when  looking for jobs after graduate. I hope that I can gain more knowledge and more experiences in technology field. This will helps me in my future life because nowadays technology is a very important field that can change the world. I hope that I can use the knowledge that I learnt from this course to make my future more convenient.