Reflection on Technology and Information System

Since I was a child, I had never thought thoroughly about what I want to be in the future and what is my goal that I want to achieve. But as time goes, I started to realise what are my pros and cons, my interests and after I partake in UTM for degree studies in Data Engineering, I know what I want to be in the future. I want to be a certified Data Scientist. To achieve my dream, I need to start from now by achieving at least GPA 3.5 for every semester to maintain good pointer. By the end of my studies, I should be able to graduate with honour and present myself to future employer with my achievements.


This design thinking that I did had taught me one of the necessaries skills for data engineer; teamwork. For every group task given, all team members must contribute to the team by completing what has been assigned to them. The members also must be able to communicate, tolerate, and help each other. All of these, to ensure a smooth workflow and the task given completed. Furthermore, the design thinking process also helps me to innovate things that are needed by users. By following the process, I would be able to identify what users wanted, analyse, and come up with solutions by brainstorming ideas that can be developed into prototype later. An efficient and simple work yet derives effective results by following this design concept. So, I think that every knowledge and assignments that was given to me would help develop myself in becoming a full-fledged data engineer after graduate.


What are my plans in order to improve my potential in the industry I must make sure that I’m able to get good result in my degree studies so I would be recognized by companies with my excellency. I should also partake in team-building or leadership program to develop my team-working skills and to nurture the sense of leadership in me. If I’m able to do these, I would be able to gather as many as experiences I could to increase my value in the industry and achieve the certificates needed to become a data scientist.


The visit to Centre of Communication and Information Technology (CICT) has given me a glimpse into the importance of having a well-organised and structured data center, especially in a big institution such as University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). The technician and staffs in CICT must always ensure that their web application runs smoothly and accessible for the students 24/7, also keep the data secure.  Hence, I learn that as a person who is major in Computer Science, one must have problem-solving skills, well-equipped with knowledge, and always be ready physically and mentally. As I, a future Data Engineer must have these skills so that I can meet the job demand and become a successful Data Scientist one day.


During the visit, we were also been introduced to the components of computer, from the old generation to the current. It shown me that how much computer technology had been evolving since the beginning of the computer age, thanks to the research and development by the professionals that made it more mobile with increase productivity. So, I learn that I must contribute to the advancement of technology for the ease of society with my skills and knowledge one day when I have become a full-fledged Data Engineer.


Image 1: Visit to Petronas GTD with students of SECP Section 2. 

The trip did help me of knowing what I about to face in this Data Engineer journey.