TIS reflection

       Generally, this course  introduce students to information systems and technology (IS/IT), as well as its uses in daily life both at home and at work. Various aspects of IS/IT encompassing hardware, software, network, communications, internet, multimedia, graphics and systems applications will be introduced. Students will be equipped with basic skills in handling PC installation and productivity tools via practical work in the labs, which shall comprise a major part of the study. By learning this subject, I can gain more knowledge about the technology that was involved and was used in my daily life and also about the basic information system that i don't even know before this. Before this, I always wondering what application software that i should use to do certain works and this course taught me what i should use to complete that task . Also before this, i don't know much about the system software and since i have to do design thinking project for this chapter, i know a lot more than before this about the system software.

       Besides, this subject requires me to write a lot of reports . For example, i have to write a report for my Design Thinking Project ,  report for my industrial visit Petronas Data Centre and Big Data Week, and also a report for my visit to CICT Gallerium, UTM. Eventhough I'm not so good with my writing, but I need and must do it since the report will be valued by our lecturer. So, indirectly, this will sharpen my skills and prepare myself for the future because I know many upcoming reports that I have to write in future.