













 [Report of PECIPTA’19 Exhibition Visit in UTHM, Focusing on How Technology and Innovation Work as Way in Teaching and Learning; Date: 26 September 2019; SECP1513-09 : Technology in System; School of Computing (Computer Networks and Security);Lecturer: Dr Adilah Binti Frdaus]



Report of PECIPTA’19 Exhibition Visit in UTHM, Focusing on How Technology and Innovation Work as Way in Teaching and Learning

Date: 26 September 2019

SECP1513-09 : Technology in System

To: Dr. Adila Binti Firdaus

School of Computing (Computer Networks and Security)



This exhibition report is about all the information and new knowledge that we gain during the PECIPTA’19 at Universiti Tun Hussein On Malaysia (UTHM) on 22 September 2019. First of all we would like to thank Dr Adila Binti Firdaus for giving us this opportunity.

What is PECIPTA’19 – Innovation Beyond Imagination? PECIPTA’19 was an International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning. It was held for two days from 22 September 2019 to 23 September 2019. PECIPTA’19 was a program organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. PECIPTA was one of the platforms to showcase all of the new invention and products from Institutions of Higher Learning. This exhibition contains four categories which were fundamental, innovation, commercialization and STEM Young Inventor. Other than four categories, PECIPTA also have eleven clusters. This year exhibition, PECIPTA have approximately 272 winners consists of silver medals and bronze medals. The exhibition was launched by YBHG. Datin Paduka Ir Dr. Siti Hamisah Binti Tapsir, Director General Ministry of Education Malaysia (Higher Education) and was closed by YB DR. Maszlee Bin Malik, Minister of Education Malaysia.



Details of Journey:

On Sunday, 22 September 2019, we have an opportunity to visit PECIPTA exhibition which was held at UTHM. All student from class TIS (Technology and Information System) section 09 and escorted by Ms Adila Firdaus as TIS lecture, we departed form UTM at 13.45 to UTHM. Approximately an hour, we arrived safely in front of DSI (Dewan Sultan Ibrahim) building. By the time given, we divided into a few groups and started exploring. PECIPTA exhibition has so many university, agency, and research institutes booths from whole city in Malaysia. We also spotted one or two booths that came from different country which was Indonesia and Singapore. After that, we when back to UTM at 17.00.

Detailed Description:

During my visit to PECIPTA’19, we were able to visit some booth that catches our attention. Most of the booth we visited, we will ask them about Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). Some of the company or organization representatives are good in explaining about IR 4.0. The best company to explain about IR 4.0 goes to IME Group of Companies. The representative tells us that IR 4.0 is upgrading the industry from human labour to machines or robot. Human will need vacation, rest day and even feel tired. We are now solving the problem by using programmable robots or machine. Does this mean, there are no job opportunity? We are not destroying people’s live. We shift their job from labour to maintenance. We also need someone who have the job to give commands to the robots. IR 4.0 reduces the percentage of accidences on site.

            Next, we visited Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah’s booth. We forgot to ask for the representative’s name because we are racing against time. They invented a device which was a glove that have sensors for each finger. The objective of their invention is to help doctor and hospital to diagnose stroke patient on their recovery. They use Arduino as a programme to operate the invention. Each of the sensors on each finger will transmit a signal to one program that will show the result. If there were any movement even very little movement, the signal wave will be fluctuating. This glove is for medical use. It is not for people to interact with the disabilities. In my opinion it is a good invention because, before this doctor use rubber ball to test either the stroke patient is recovering or not. The patient must use much force and energy to squeeze the ball. This invention reduces the energy use and can give result to the doctor. It is leaner.

            Then, we visited Universiti Teknikal Melaka (UTeM). They invented an ink that can act as a wire. It was named Graphene-CNT-Copper-ink. Basically, it was an ink that have the same properties as a wire which were can conduct electricity and current can flow through it. They believed that this ink was more reliable than typical electrical wire. It is because, they claimed that this ink was more eco-friendly and low cost. They also said that it was more flexible. We can agree that this ink behave more flexible than wire because this ink can be applied on every surface. They also showed us some of their model where the ink was applied. In our opinion, the production of this ink use more cost than regular wire. They need more substance like copper and graphene to produce this ink. They also need other substance to make this ink more flexible and more durable. We do not agree about the durability of this ink. One of their model showed that this ink can easily peal. The ink need to apply more layers to make it more durable and last longer. We believe that this invention can give a big change, but it needs more research and development (R&D).
















  1. Exhibition contents

PECIPTA’19 exhibition offer several kinds of event in different place. Here is the list of the exhibition content:


Dewan Sultan Ibrahim (DSI)


  1. PECIPTA2019 Expo & Innovation Competition
  2. STEM Young Inventor
  3. Special Education Innovation Competition National Level
  4. FAST4ward: IOT Racing
  5. Ministry Talk, Chairman Talk, International Talk, Icon Talk
  6. The Pitch (Business Pitching)
  7. Fraunhofer Corporate Makeathon
  8. Public Private Research Network (PPRN)
  9. Agency & Industry Exhibition


Block G2

  1. IME Solidworks Design Competition 2019

Perpustakaan Tunku Tun Aminah (PTTA)

  1. Innovation and Technology Management Conference 2019 (ITMC2019)
  2. Malaysia Association of Research Managers and Administrators (MyRMA) General Meeting
  3. Food Truck Carnival


  1. Trends in PECIPTA’19


The theme for PECIPTA’19 was “Innovation Beyond Imagination”


  1. Motivation and insights on how innovation is used in teaching and learning

The meaning of innovation is creative thought or a new imagination. By applying innovation as way to modern teaching and learning, especially in early education, we expect that every student will have creative mind and build their critical thinking which can help them to solve any kinds of problem as they grew. Also, it may give college students find a better solution for their projects. With this, in the future, it may open many opportunities to develop new and any variation of technology that can help or serve human.

  1. The task for each member

Poster: Hafizh Herti, Muhamad Adli Hanis.

Report: Arif Suhaimi, Fathimah Hasanti.

Visit: All members.

Students’ Feedback:

As we saw every innovative technology that has been developed by every unit that came to PECIPTA’19 Exhibition, we really hope that they can manage to publish their technology publicly and economically. This exhibition provided many cool and helpful technology which can give a huge help for human.