NG JING JIE's Reflection /
Design Thinking

 What is your goal/dream with regarding to your course/program?

Regarding to the courses we are studying which is data engineering, our main goal is to become a successful data engineer in the future. We hope to become a successful data engineer that equip with all the requirements a successful data engineer should have. For example, having deep knowledge of SQL database design, multiple programming languages and familiarity with data administration. We are looking forward to work as a part of analytics team, to provide a platform for modelling data and help enterprise to achieve their business goals. Also, we want to contribute our efforts to develop our country through digital technology.


How does this design thinking impact on your goal/dream with regard to your program?

After we got involved in this design thinking project, it further strengthen our goal to become a data engineer. In this new digital era, there is no doubt that the demand of Big Data will increase surprisingly in the future. Throughout this design thinking process, we found out that this is the best way to provide a solution-based approach in solving real life problems. Undergoing the stages in design thinking which included empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test, we gained an insight on what is the job scope of a data engineer. This further strengthen our convictions which is to become a data engineer that can contribute our efforts to the people needed. By mastering all these skills, we really hope we can use our skill to help people out there by using the data we have collected.


What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

We should have a mindset that never stop learning as there is many knowledges out there waiting for us to explore. Also, keep updating ourselves and master the skills that is needed for us to become a skillful data engineer. We also plan to enhance our skills on various aspects such as SQL, data architecture, data warehousing and database solutions. We believe that by keep improving our skills and self-value, we are able to improve our potential in the industry.