
Assalamualaikum and Happy Nice daywink

Well,along im having studying in UTM for this first semester ,i got many things that i have learned a lot,Through individual task,grouping task,and the best thing ever in this subject which is industry visit to CICT,NALI,OneMaker .This opportunity giving me a lot experience to know more how the technology is growing fast .Also that,it also improving me on how i can be confident to talk with member's group especially foreignerwink,the situation teach me how to communicate well with them so that i think that maybe they have different kind of thinking ,so we need to take positive site and it will going well!!.

For the other side,what i have got was adaptability skills.I think this word have been my main character in my mind hahahahalaughing because when we are in class of course lecturer not giving us to choose our own partner.If not,i didn't know as  i think i live like in a cave as im not looking out to know more cool.When we are in our own group ,im always try to be friendly and try to know how they are actually.i have meet two foreigner in my group which is indonesian and bangladesh.

When im in this for last first semester.I want to say thank to Dr Bahiah as she giving us a lot of new things to know more what is actually Technology Information System, it is not just a technology only but in our cooperate with others .Thank youcry