My first year at university has gone so much faster than any other year of my life. I feel like I’ve been careening through my semesters at breakneck speed. I’ve met so many new and wonderful people, and built up a friend group of people who are struggling with the same things as I am; we support each other, and they’re always there for me. I’ve tackled classes with subject matter far above my head and come out on top, and in the process, I’ve learned more than I ever thought I could. At the beginning of the year, I was lost in a sea of strangers, but now I recognize so many faces. There are things I wish I knew before the year began. I wish I knew that:

• If you see someone you want to be friends with, introduce yourself!

• Join any clubs you find interesting.

• Make time to study. Falling behind is doubtly stressful.

• Remember to get enough sleep, and look after yourself!

          University makes you a stronger, more complete person. Living on your own for the first time is difficult, and facing all the challenges that a new environment brings is terrifying—I think that if I knew all the challenges I would have to face before the year was out, I would had a lot more fear in September. But, there’s no person I’d rather be than the person I am now. The challenges of being on my own, of finding a whole new friend group, of growing up, were daunting, but I am proud of me.