NG JING JIE's Reflection / NG JING JIE's Reflection /
Industrial Visit 3 - CIMB Bank

  We feel grateful to have a fruitful acquisition from CIMB. Through this visit, we gained new experiences and knowledges on banking sector, and our perspective towards this sector have changed. After the visit to CIMB, we have more understanding on the working environment in banking sector. Besides, we learnt that besides financial departments, IT departments play an essential role in a banking company, as it is the medium of all banking procedure, include service management, financial and administration, applications and infrastructures. Data management is an important assets of a banking companies and require high-level protection, as it not only stores customers information, it also act as a guideline to help banking company to improve their system and decide the future path.

     Besides, this visit also gave us more detailed information of our available carrier in the future. Banking is actually one of the available options we can consider to get into since there are also demands on manpower who have capability to work with big data. However, getting into this sector are not easy as the criteria of qualification is high. This gave us an impact on knowing that what is still lacking among us in order to have higher potential in market.

     Therefore, we need to improve ourselves in order to have higher potential and more competitive in the market. We will learn more new things, gain more knowledge and experience outside the lectures, besides work hard to perform well in academic. We will also be active in extracurricular activities to gain new skills apart from academic field. This is important because soft skills will also be considered by employers when taking new employees.


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