Industrial Training Reflection Video

Reflection Video Link: https://youtu.be/eIyc2Z8bOo8

Technology and Information System Course Reflection


The goal that I set up for my study is that I need to develop the necessary skills to become a professional software engineer. Meaning that acquiring skills is not just academic skills but work skills that are required in the industry. Programming is an essential skill that I have been developing over the years. Thus, skill is my major focus more than anything throughout my study. Moreover, graduation with a High CGPA is my goal as well. I have been working on that since the beginning of my study and I maintained high first-class till this semester.



The industry demand for several skills differs every year. Thus, my plan will be to improve my potential in the industry is first, to keep up with up-to-date technologies that are emerging and extensively used in the industry, to sharpen my skills by taking courses outside my university courses so that I would be able to reduce the chance of unfamiliarity of the specific skill, reading extensively about your specialized area in many different topics so that I become well-read about topics in the field.



This subject contributed a lot to my knowledge. Reading about different topics in security, 4IR, and networking has really been rewarding. All the webinars that have been held by the lecturer are extremely beneficial because it gives me exposure to real industry experience as well as the necessary skills that are in high demand in the industry.



I would like to send my sincere gratitude to my Lecturer, Mr. Mohammed Iqbal for his guidance, kindness, and patience within these months ranging from giving us lectures to his compelling advice. I truly appreciate, with all my heart.

AWS Could foundation course

AWS Cloud foundation course is an astounding knowledge source that introduced me Cloud computing concepts. Cloud Computing is a new trend in the industry and demands for this skill has been huge, therefore, I acquired an overall understanding of the following Foundational cloud computing concepts, AWS core services, security, architecture, pricing, and support.

I am software engineering student, and I was encouraged to use several platforms throughout my study to deploy my projects in the real world. My motivation comes from that I wanted to AWS a platform for deployment because it is common in the industry to use AWS for its premium features such scalability, maintainability, and reduced cost. Therefore, there was tendency to learn and explore about AWS core services.

AWS Cloud foundation badge was a nearly a challenge. I am justifying my position because I have 17 credits in this semester, and it was rather difficult to complete all the modules. At the end I was able to finish all requirements to acquire the badge. All modules’ lessons have a clear explanation and it really to carry out knowledge check since they provide summary pdf for each module.

I learned a lot from this foundation course which are understanding cloud computing concepts and familiarizing myself with AWS core services. This course was a very basic course therefore the knowledge was all introductory and beginner level. Sure, there are a lot to be done to become specialist in cloud computing.

In my opinion, after taking this course I would strongly advice all companies to shift to cloud computing. Reasons to justify shifting to cloud is the following they will be able to maintain focus on the business, buying cloud services is more cost effective, reliable and allow them relocate their limited resources to grow their business, they will be able to scale tremendously just by dial up more capacity for the seasonal business peaks, and access from anywhere being able to do business without border is one of the major benefits of cloud services you can access as long as there is an internet connection.

Every UTM student should take this course to acquire foundational learning about cloud computing because cloud computing is common trend and demanding skill, and this course will equip students with introductory knowledge in cloud computing. I would advise anyone to take the course as it will an inspiration for any future career possibilities. My direction after taking this course Is that I would focus on cloud computing especially AWS to use it with any side project that I have done.  


Reflection on the analytical study on elementary school students performance

At first, good performance is highly crucial to a student during his studies. students will always dream to achieve higher grades, from this astounding topic we chose to jump on and discover more about performance of a student what are the factors that affects their studies and gain understanding of this important topic. 


 well, to start with it turned out that are several effects out there that may affect student performance ranging from parents education level, nutrition factors, and the argumentative factor which is gender. What I have found from this analysis is that parents education is has little effect on a student performance, from the sample of the students collect, most students that has have parents who educated have a higher chance to stand out. in addition to  that, we have nutrition to consider, it is really important for a student to get beneficial nutrition, students with standard launch meals have scored better than students who have only free meals offer. and the last one which is widely arguable between folks which is gender. female students has excelled in their studies more than male students. all of these makes me contemplate and have wider view about understanding someone's performance.


at the end of the day, it is important to understand that a student in elementary school should be take care of and give them the ultimate support and encouragement to excel in their studies not to blame him/her for her bad performance on exams. not to mention there may other effects but it is out of scope in this study.