
Participating in UNBOCS 2023 as an exhibitor and representative of the UTM AIROST Team was an exhilarating experience that left a lasting impression on both myself and the attendees. Engaging visitors through VR demos, robot demonstrations, and video showcases provided a unique platform to showcase the transformative potential of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Witnessing the curiosity and excitement on the faces of visitors as they immersed themselves in the VR playthroughs was particularly gratifying. The live robot demonstrations not only highlighted the technical prowess of our creations but also sparked conversations about the future applications of such technology.

Moreover, sharing the journey of our team through video demos fostered a sense of pride among our members and demonstrated the evolution of our projects. The carnival atmosphere, combined with our technological exhibits, created a vibrant and interactive space that transcended the conventional boundaries of academic engagement.

UNBOCS 2023 served as a reminder of the importance of bridging the gap between academia and the broader community. It reinforced the value of showcasing innovation and technology to a diverse audience, fostering a deeper understanding of the possibilities that lie within the realm of artificial intelligence and robotics.