Kem Kembara Muslim

Date: September 27 - September 28, 2019

Venue: Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM, Tanjung Balau

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam UTM

I was a participant on this program. In this program, it teach the participant more on the leadership and spirituality especially towards Islamic view. This is a 2 days 1 night program. On the first day, the activity is held at the MSI UTM from 4 o'clock until after the dawn of the next day. After registration, a forum by Imam Muda Faris is held at the MSI. Then, all participant rest until Isya'. After isya' all participants need to be in circle and do some Usrah/talk by the organizer. At the first day, all participants' phone was hold by the organizer to allow the participants to focus along the program. Before subuh, all participant wake up early to perform Qiamulail together. Then, after subuh prayer, all participants take the bus and start the journey to Tanjung Balau.

At Tanjung Balau, a lot of activities being done such build team logos and explore race. Most of the activities were to develop skills such team work, critical thinking and leadership. As example, some of the activities in explore race need the team members together to solve a given tasks before can continue to the next stage such building a sand castle and explain the architecture of it. All team need to settle all the explorace tasks to allow them to win the activities. 


17 January 2023, 9:22 PM

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