SECI2143-01 PSDA Project2 Reflection


In order to complete Project 2, we had to collect information from the already-existing data set and conduct research on it using a variety of techniques, including the hypothesis test (1- or 2-sample), correlation, regression, and good-fit test, chi-squared test of independence, and ANOVA. To present the statistical analysis for the water quality of each state in Malaysia that affects the rivers, my group and I used data from a variety of government departments in Malaysia, including the Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Water, LAKU Management Sdn. Bhd., etc. This study compares Malaysia's water quality and air pollution emission to determine which state has the most scheduled waste, metered water usage, and production of supplied water.

Through this effort, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of the many test types that could be used in our research. We brainstormed the methods to follow in a group of four, and then we built codes in R studio to generate the graphs for correlation and regression, as well as t-tests to double-check our calculations. Although it was challenging to learn, with the help of my fellow members of the group, it became simpler for us to adapt and implement.

According to the critical values and t values we discovered, we learned to write conclusions for every hypothesis we have developed, deciding whether to reject them or not. With this, learning more about this subject, probability, and statistical data analysis became simpler for us. We all benefited greatly from this endeavour, without a doubt.