Reflection for Kursus Bahasa English

In this program, I learned a few things. Do's and Don't in handling a program. In becoming a leader, you need to have a very strong stand meaning that you must follow what you think is the best BUT still need to listen to others that confronted you. You also can't point fingers to others without any proof or evidence. People will hate you for that. Also in meeting, you must have clear objectives. Don't waste other people time with a long meeting. You can just talk straight to the point and address important issues. This is what I realize by looking at our director. This program was the first program she directed. There are a few flaws in this program but it was all handled very well. In leadership, you need to have a sense of sympathy and empathy. You need to know your subordinate, how they feel and what they want. These are what going to make you a better leader.