Activity Report 1 / Activity Report 1 /

1. Activity Information


Date: 12 October 2020

Platform: Facebook Live

Organizer: UTM Engineering 


2. Graduate attribute


Importance of time

Final destination 



3. Position/Role 




4. Mini Report

On 12 October 2020, I attended a facebook live sharing which was organized by UTM Engineering, with the title "RESEARCH INFORMATION LITERACY FOR UNDERGRADUATEUTM ENGINEERING STUDENT VIRTUAL HANGOUT ZONE". This webinar was held on Facebook on a page named "UTM Engineering" and the purpose of this sharing is to explain about all the details regarding academic such as curriculum, calendar and course registration. Next, the speaker shared about why is time important and explain about how to utilise as well as use it efficiently. Furthermore, the speaker also explain about what do we want to be in our future which we need to think and reconsider it properly so that there will be no regrets. Then, speaker also share about a subtopic which is attitude as this could affects our future. Lastly, the sharing was ended by introducing other motivation talk like this sharing to us.


5. Self-reflection

In this webinar talk, the first thing that students were able to learn about is regarding the process of entering a new environment as there will be a briefing on all important thing about the academic which this is actually the same situation if we are going to work in any company in the future. Next, is that we are able to learn how to manage our time and why do we need to do so. Third is that we were able to think it properly for what we plan to do and what we want to be and this is very useful because a lot of student does have a clear direction on what they really want. Last is about the attitude of our own while doing something which attitude is part of the main key to be successful. I really hope this kind of talk could be organised to every new intake as these sharing could help the student to have clear mind and know what we want better.


6. Certificate/Photo/Video
