Mini Report

Pengambilan Ahli Baharu Sem 1 (2021/2022) is a association program organized by Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Universiti Teknologi Malaysia held every semester. For this semester, the program lasted for a month from 17 October until 16 November 2021. The aim of the program is to promote and attract students to join the Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Universiti Teknologi Malaysia at the beginning of the semester. I have been choose as a Head of the multimedia and publicity unit by the program director. 

In this program, I was a Head of the multimedia and publicity unit which in charge in produce designs and make posters, make a video and blast a program for a month. The committee members held a meeting with high council committee for the job scope and program timeline. The job scope for multimedia and publicity unit are create a main poster, daily poster, countdown poster, social media header and program promotion video.  Before the program date, we design and create a main poster, daily poster, countdown poster, program promotion video for YouTube premier and create a promotion blast captions. The poster and video has been vetted and approved by the high council committee. During the program timeline, we held a premier for the promotion video on YouTube on 18 October 2021 at 9 P.M. Then, we uploading the video on Instagram also blasting the main poster on social media like Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. Beside the main poster, we also have a daily poster where by we uploading and blast it every day for month during program. After the program end, I need to prepare and submit a unit report after a postmortem. 

It is a challenging program for me as it is because this program is an important program that represents and carries the good name of the association. Thus, it is really important for me and my teams to create an interesting and interactive design for the poster to attract people. The Graduate Attributes that I had learned are Communication Skills, Thinking Skills,  Leadership and Teamworking Skills and Scholarship. Through this event, I had understood my responsibility as a head of unit to guide my teams to produce a great work results.