Mini Report

People In Need People Offer (PINPO) is a volunteer program organized by Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail, UTM on 23 November 2019 at Rumah Anak Yatim Kasih Setanggi, Johor Bahru. The aim of the program is to support children in need of care and protection and to help destitute poor, neglected and needy children also provide formal and informal education to the children, functional literacy in the community they live and vocational training to the youth. I joined this program is because I want to grow my skillset by taking a step outside of my comfort zone and try something different. It is also an opportunity for me to improve my self-confidence through access to learning and self-growth also making a new friends.

In this program, I was a member of activity unit which in charge to planning and conduct an activity with the children. A few weeks before the program, all members of the activity unit have brainstormed about appropriate activities to do with the children and come out with a few ideas. Once our ideas were screened and accepted by superiors, we began preparation and training for the activity. The activities are children's aerobic dance, cupcake makeover, planting a small trees, make a handprint banner and learning a words with alphabet. Besides, we also playing a musical chair and telematch. We also have a donation campaign which by all committee members will take turn to be person in charge every week at UTM night market. 

On the program day, we conduct the activities by station. The children have been divide into group with one facilitator in charge. Facilitator will guide the children to each station for the activities. After done with all the activities, we helping serving the food for the children that have been cooked by others unit in charge. Later, a cake-cutting and gift-giving event was held to celebrate the children there. It was a really fun and great experience for me. The Graduate Attributes that I had learned are Communication Skills, Thinking Skills, and Leadership and Teamworking Skills. Through this event, I had understood my responsibility as a younger generation to offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around us.