
Date: 01/11/2020 - 05/12/2020

Venue: Facebook Page - Persaka UTM - Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer

Organizer: Persaka UTM

Role: Participants

Enroll in the School of Computing T-Shirt Contest


Mini Report

The School of Computing T-Shirt Design Contest is the event that gives the opportunity for the students mainly in the area of computer science to challenge among themselves in designing skills. A total number of 29 students were participated in this contest. The voting phase happened for seven days starting from 2 December until 8 December 2020 through PERSAKA official Instagram where the design with the most number of likes  will be the winner. 

This competition helps participants to express their creativity in designing a T-shirt with the theme related to their course program which is computer science. Participants who joined this competition would need to have softskill such as creative and innovation.

The competition involves several graduate attributes such as creative and critical thinking. As a participants, it is important to be creative on designing new attractive T-shirt. It is also important to have technical skill on painting software such as Photoshop, ClipStudio, etc.

Overall, as a participant, I am happy to involve in this competition as I can express my idea on the T-shirt through this competition especially I increase my skill on Photoshop.



Personally, I am happy with the competition as I improved my drawing skills and technical skill on Photoshop. At the same time, I am also gained a lot of design idea as I did a lot of research for the design.

Through this competition, I gained the creative and critical thinking skill that I would need this skills in order to design an attractive T-shirt. This skill is done by the process of researching on the idea of the T-shirt.

My strength is that I am good at drawing. I can sketch out the idea that I want to express by using Photoshop as I have the drawing pad. This strength helps a lot in conducting this competition.

The challenges I faced is the colour I implemented in my design. I am lacking of the confidence on the colour I used which will get dirty easily.

I think I can improve my color sense by appreciating other's painting.




Date: 01/11/2020 - 05/12/2020

Venue: Facebook Page - Persaka UTM - Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer

Organizer: Persaka UTM

Role: Participants

Enroll in the School of Computing T-Shirt Contest