SECI2143-03 Probability & Statistics Data Analysis

PSDA post-project Reflection

PSDA is an important subject when learning compute science. It is one of the fundamentals when you are working as an IT officer. The subject itself is not that hard, just we need more exercises to understand the concepts. 


This project let me further understand what we are learning and have a better understanding of it. In this project, we learned data analysis such as hypothesis, correlation, regression, and chi-square testing. At first, I am not very clear on these testing, but I got to know more when doing exercises, assignments, and projects. Before this project, we were not very good at the testing listed in the introduction. But during our discussion, we slowly learn how to use the formulas
correctly and which formula is the best suited for the instance.


Before PSDA class started, I looked on the Internet for calculators required for statistics subjects. I stumble upon a calculator named Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator and it costs MYR619.50.Luckily I did not buy it because the subject does not require it. But to my surprise, they are 48 units being sold and most of the customers were Malaysians. Maybe they are post-graduates or are from somewhere's Faculty of Mathematics or something. I do not know where my future would end, but I hope it would be a good one.


Thank you and stay safe everyone.