
       First and foremost, I would like to thank our lecturer, Dr Sharin Hazlin Binti Huspi for teaching us Probability and Statistical Data Analysis. I have learnt a lot of knowledge that is required to solve the problems in this project. Furthermore, I would also appreciate our group members cooperating together in completing the project together.

           In this project 2, I have explored myself in the R code which is a really new thing for me. I have learnt how to extract data and deal with data by using R code, which is very interesting and the data processes are very fast and easy. Our project is to study life expectancy, growth rate and mortality rate among countries data set provided. I have discussed with my group members and tried to figure out what type of test that we need to do to complete the task. After discussion, we have decided to do hypothesis testing on one sample, correlation, regression and goodness of fit test. We divided the group work equally so everyone will be able to participate in the project together. To complete the task, I need to use R code to extract data and interpret it. When interpreting the data, I also faced some problems in typing the code and I will try to google, watch YouTube and even find my members for help. They are very kind to assist me.

         By interpreting the data set, I have known that the mortality rate of the countries is lower than the world average mortality rate, 8.90. Besides, I have learnt that the mortality rate and growth rate have a moderate positive linear relationship by using Pearson's product-moment correlation method. Furthermore, I have also learnt that the life expectancy and the mortality rate have a negative linear relationship by using the regression method to interpret the data. This makes sense as it also means the mortality rate is not mainly affected by life expectancy, it also can be affected by other factors such as accidents. From the data analysis, we have managed to find an answer for our guess. Through this, I am able to know the steps on how to analyse from raw data such as make an inference, apply some test to determine the answer and so on.

          Besides learning knowledge, I have also learnt team working with my group members where we cooperate with each other to complete this project even though we are not face to face. We use the advance of technology to work together and communicate with each other. Furthermore, if we face some problems, we will try to discuss the question together to find a solution. We will also try to fetch our lecturer for help if we are unable to solve the problems. After finishing the report, we also need to prepare a video presentation for our project. I am very appreciative of my group members' help and work to complete this project. I hope our project will be able to obtain a good grade as we put a lot of effort into it.