TAN LI MIN's Reflection /
Software Engineering- Leadership Reflection

Leadership Reflection

By: Tan Li Min

            The software engineering course has a project that required students to form a group of 4 – 5 peoples to complete the project. In our group, we have 5 members including me, they are Nurfatin Iwanina Binti Mohd Abdul Rashid, Nurul Hazleen Natasya Binti Yusni, Aminul Hakim Bin Md Rafie, and Abdrahman Ahmed Abdi. In P1, I was the leader of project task 1. We had a small discussion through Discord during the free time of the class. I will always start to unmute myself and be active in the discussion in case some of them are too shy to talk since some of us did not know each other at the first time. To break this awkward situation, I think they may prefer to type out their opinion in text, so most of the time we use WhatsApp groups to communicate with each other. In every Problem-Solving section, I will prepare the Google Document in the group Google Drive prepared by Dr.Norsham. I will share the link to the WhatsApp group and ask them for an opinion on the questions of the problem-solving. We will discuss how to divide the questions and how we help each other to complete the problems. As a leader in a team, I think that I should respect all opinions and let my teammates decide on how they wanted to solve the questions. Therefore, we will divide the questions by assigning ourselves to the question based on how many people needed in the question that we had decided. When we complete our assigned questions, we will help others on the next questions to complete their questions as soon as possible. This worked on how we solved our project tasks too. We will go through the rubric and discuss how to divide the task in order to complete it perfectly. Most of the time, we will assign ourselves voluntarily based on our ability and the way that we think it was fair to everyone.

            During P1, I will make sure I remind my teammates to complete their task on time and I will list down the due date of the task so that we can submit our P1 on time. I was appreciated that all of my teammates are willing to help and able to complete their tasks on time. I appreciate that they are hard-working and even though not all of them are able to take the main part of the report of the project, they are willing to share their responsibility to help the one who is weak and forgetful. Hazleen is a caring person that she will always remind me of some details of the project that I might forget. She is an awesome teammate that she is able to help us to complete task no matter project report or problem-solving. Furthermore, Aminul as the monitor of our Bioinformatics class is proactive to take any responsibility in our team. He will always be the last to choose a task in our project to make sure that we have the chance to get what we able to contribute in the team. Although Iwanina is a quiet and shy girl, she is helpful and kind. She is willing to help Abdrahman to complete his task in problem-solving when he sometimes forgets or unable to complete his part. Abdrahman is a punctual person. Even though he is a foreigner, he will always complete his part in the project by the given time to not drag the team behind, so that we will always submit the project on time.

            To sum up everything stated above, I am really happy and appreciate having a nice team and a good team-working experience with them. Moreover, all of us have good communication that we will always make sure we are using English as the communication language since we have a foreigner teammate. We will always ensure that he can understand us, in order to not put him aside. Without my teammates, I am unable to complete the project in a relaxed mood.