Speed Typing Competition /

Speed Typing Competition is a competition to commence competitiveness and improve focus on students. The competition required great determination since the competitor had infinite trial in a given time. It taught us to never gave up trying to achieve better goal while sharpening our skills. The competition also had made me realize our level of competitiveness because there are live rankings of competitor with respective words per minute(WPM). The live rankings had encouraged me about my achievement during the competition and made me manipulate my determination to do better.

As a secretary of the program, it has improved my administrative work ethics since it involves a lot of correspondence and collating reports. I volunteered several times as a secretary of a program but I haven't been able to better my administrative task. With the help of my colleagues, they helped me thoroughly on how to do all tasks and helped me improve on it. It also made me realize the importance of communication and teamwork when volunteering in an organization of a program.