Mini Report

Career Talk with UTM Career Centre is an online talk session that discussed about the topic "Soft Skills and Employment Preparation". This virtual program is a co-curriculum program so it is open to all students in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). There are two invited panel that we have in this program which are Dr. Salasiah Abbas and Mr. Tan Choon Seng. Dr. Salasiah Abbas is an Assistant General Manager at United Malayan Land Bhd (UMLand) while Mr. Tan Choon Seng is a Senior Consultant/Trainer/Coach at Academind Network. Both of the speaker have many experiences about working life environment so they are here to share about it with UTM Students. The first speaker, Dr Salasiah, talk about the skills needed to face the working environment in the future. She highlighted 7 soft skills that are really important for the students to develop and prepare. Each of the soft skills mentioned are elaborated clearly and more details during this sharing session. The second panel, Mr. Tan Choon Seng, giving his talks that focus more on the preparation for the employment. One of the preparation that being mentioned by this speaker is about the interview guideline and what should student do to prepare themselves. This talk session was held for about 2 hours starting from 2 PM unti 4 PM.